Living by the seaside.....thoughts and things...............

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Call me Dave

Just a though, is  "call me Dave" so critical of Gordon Browns reputation as a bully because they are used to a much higher standard of bullying in Eton?


Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Make Bird cake

I've got a tribe of sparrows squabbling in my garden who would eat a dozen fat balls a day if I put them out. I've got one of those wire feeders but the commercial food blocks to put in them are expensive so to atone for muttering about air pistols when the dawn chorus starts, I make them some myself.

I keep a plastic container that is the right size, and melt some suet or lard in it in the microwave.

You shouldn't use vegetable fat because it doesn't contain enough energy

Then I stir them in a plate of goodies the RSPB  say they are allowed, mostly wild bird seed, with a few oats, a little bit of grated cheese and a few soaked raisins

I let it cool, then put it in the fridge to get really hard

Then I take it out as a block

Hey Presto, Birdie cake, (takes about five minutes!)



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